Questions & Answers Tackling the Intricacies of HMDA

Welcome to ADI’s HMDA Q&A series, HMDA Huddle.  In our quarterly HMDA Huddle installments, we present questions that highlight nuances and sometimes misinterpretations of the HMDA guidance, and answers to those questions that will strengthen your HMDA Compliance Management System.  Click through to our latest issue below.  Have a HMDA compliance question but don’t see it in any of our Huddle installments?  Submit your own! Just open the ASK ADI form and send us any HMDA-related question you may have. One of our HMDA compliance professionals will reply with guidance in short order.

Please visit the HMDA media archives below for past HMDA Huddle issues and recent ADI Knowledge Center and news articles related to HMDA compliance.  Check back for future installments or subscribe to ADI Insights to automatically receive updates each quarter.