Community Reinvestment Act

CRA Analytics and Consulting Services

We help banks achieve their CRA compliance and strategic goals.

ADI brings more than 20 years of experience and expertise to assess your CRA compliance needs, develop and implement sound and comprehensive CRA compliance procedures, analyze assessment areas and broader markets to identify CRA performance opportunities, and evaluate the accuracy of your CRA loan data and LAR filings.

Our CRA consulting services include exam preparation, performance reporting and analysis, community development activity assessments, qualitative research, as well as planning and advisory assistance.

CRA Exam Preparation

A CRA exam requires gathering a substantial amount of data and documentation to satisfy examiner requests. Moreover, each bank must present this information in a manner that appropriately reflects its “CRA Story” by linking performance measurements to key performance context factors and strategic initiatives. ADI helps institutions prepare for CRA exams by offering an array of customized services.

CRA Performance Analysis

A key component of a strong CRA Compliance Management System is monitoring and assessing performance under the relevant CRA Tests for your bank. Ongoing monitoring and comprehensive assessments can provide timely insights and the broad perspective needed to make appropriate strategic decisions. ADI provides an array of services that help institutions monitor key metrics, assess community needs and CRA performance and anticipate ratings from your next examination.

Community Development

One of the biggest CRA challenges for banks is developing and executing processes to effectively identify, qualify and document Community Development (CD) activities. Without effective plans and processes, your organization can easily miss opportunities to meet the most pressing needs of your communities and maximize CRA performance. ADI can assist you in identifying needs and qualifying investments, CD loans, and services.

We will design and implement the right solution to meet your CRA compliance needs.

CRA Report Samples

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